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Time to Panic? Understanding the Current Volatile Market and How to Protect Your Investments

September 22, 2020

September 21st, 2020 - Market Update - Time To Panic?

In recent times, the financial markets have been experiencing unprecedented levels of volatility, leaving investors on edge and uncertain about the future. David Reyes, a financial architect, has been closely monitoring these developments and believes it's crucial to provide regular updates on the situation. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the market's turbulence and explore strategies to safeguard your investments during these uncertain times.

The Three Phases of Market Turbulence

David Reyes begins by discussing the three phases of a market downturn. Phase one occurred earlier in the year when the market plummeted by 35 percent in just six weeks, from February into March. This dramatic drop was followed by a remarkable 60 percent rally, which brought the market back to near-even levels by September. This phase marked the classic characteristics of bear markets.

Currently, the market is in phase three, characterized by significant uncertainty. Since September, the NASDAQ has declined by 12 percent, while the S&P 500 has fallen by 8 percent in just three weeks. These rapid fluctuations have raised concerns about the market's stability.

Factors Contributing to Market Uncertainty

Several factors contribute to the current uncertainty in the financial markets:

1. Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy:

The Federal Reserve recently announced that it would keep interest rates at near-zero levels for the next three years. While this policy aims to stimulate economic growth, it has negative consequences for savers, who see minimal returns on their investments.

2. Stimulus Package Stalemate:

The ongoing political turmoil and uncertainty surrounding the passage of a stimulus package further exacerbate market jitters. Small businesses and individuals out of work rely on this aid, and its absence could negatively impact the economy and the stock market.

3. Tax Plan Implications:

President Biden's proposed tax plan, which includes increasing capital gains tax rates from 23 percent to 38 percent, has raised concerns among investors. Similar tax increases in the past have led to asset sales, causing market downturns.

4. Seasonal Factors:

Historically, September and October have been challenging months for the stock market. With the added uncertainty of a contentious election, these seasonal factors weigh heavily on investors' minds.

The Dilemma of Bond Investments

Traditionally, bonds have been considered a safe haven for risk management in investment portfolios. However, in the current environment of low-interest rates, bonds offer little income potential. Furthermore, bond prices have not provided the expected hedge against stock market losses. For instance, over the past few weeks, bond prices have barely moved or even decreased.

Strategies for Protecting Your Portfolio

David Reyes emphasizes the importance of diversifying your investments across various asset classes, including stocks, real estate, and annuities. This diversification helps reduce overall risk in your portfolio. He also introduces the concept of actively managing the downside risk in your equity portfolio.

One such strategy is a "hedge equity portfolio," which includes elements that can increase in value when the stock market declines. This approach aims to mitigate losses during market downturns by providing a cushion for your investments.


In conclusion, the current state of the financial markets is characterized by extreme volatility and uncertainty. Investors are urged to exercise caution and consider diversification across various asset classes to reduce risk. Additionally, exploring strategies like hedge equity portfolios can provide an extra layer of protection against potential market crashes.

It is essential to stay informed, assess your investment portfolio, and seek professional guidance if necessary. By taking proactive steps to protect your investments, you can navigate these turbulent times with greater confidence and financial security.


The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult with your financial advisor.
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